I talked with my older son today on Facebook. He was about to go to bed eight hours ahead of me and I asked him what he would be doing in the morning...if he would be going to church. He told me he and his friend would be going to St George's Cathedral to pray.
Immediately, I googled this church and was awe struck by it's wonder and beauty. While I sleep tonight, my son and his friend, also a wonderful teenage boy waiting for his adoption to be completed, will be walking to church to worship the same God I worship. They will be praying for their families and we will be praying for them. Our hearts so mended, so close...yet, so far away.
Modern technology allows us to be close to our sons...email and phone brings their voices and hearts and lives so very close to us as we wait. Yet, they are so far. We cannot see them smile and enjoy the glimmer in their expression. We cannot brush their cheek or draw them close. We cannot breathe in their essence, their unique smell that brings such bonding. In such ways, they are worlds away and that is where the heartbreak of adoption comes in. So close, yet so very far...
I marvel at the thought of my son standing before this great house of worship. I am not sure if they enter inside or stand outside and pray as the people in the picture are doing. I don't know if there will be music or a 'sermon' as there will be in our church in the morning or whether its more of a private time as they stand facing the church in prayer. What I do know is this....Jesus is not far from either of us. As we whisper His Name, both my son and his friend and both families...as we cry out from our hearts to the Savior of the world, He is never far away. He is as close as the mention of His Name! As my son whispers in his beautiful Amharic tongue, asking God to bring him home and as we groan out, "Oh, Lord! Bring our sons home to us!", God bends His ear to our cries and sends forth His Word to answer. He is near to those who call on Him....never far, never at a distance...so close, you can feel Him breathe on you if you are still enough to receive.
Know this today...God promises to draw near to us as we draw near to Him. No matter what you are facing, what mountain stands before you, what pain you endure...Jesus is close...so very close.
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