8 Colemans Becoming 10

The journey of a family of ten, loving Jesus, loving each other, loving a hurting world.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Letting God Be God

Helpless...a common, overwhelming rush in this journey of waiting for children to come home from a distant land.  As a mom, I am used to stepping in and making everything better.  When my children at home are sick, I offer them comfort, medicine, a trip to the doctor, and prayer. When stress or hurt feelings follow them home from school, I embrace them and speak value and encouragement into them. When one of my sons in Ethiopia is sick as "C" was this week, I feel helpless.  I pray with him and for him, but I must let God be God.  I cannot run to their aid, I cannot comfort them or even offer them medicine.  When bad things happen to them at school in Ethiopia, I am not there to embrace them and offer them encouragement. I have to let God be God.  Trusting God becomes a deeper revelation in the adoption process.  I cannot force paperwork or judges or court systems.  As much as I want to, I cannot fly over and be with my sons.  In this difficult, heartbreaking, exciting journey of bringing children home from afar, I must let God be God.

I sure pray this discipline becomes an ingrained part of who I am as a child of God.  As other circumstances come my way, I pray I learned the value of letting God be God.  He knows how to fill that role and I don't.  He can be trusted.  He never fails us and always fulfills every promise to His children.  He is molding the character our sons as they wait and long for a family.  He knows the perfect timing for us to bring them home. He is all-knowing, ever-present, perfect in love, always working things for our good. 

No matter what you are facing today.  Let God be God.  He is trustworthy.  You don't ever need to question His heart.  It's always for you.  His ways are higher than ours.  He is steady and sure.  Let God be God in your life.

We are waiting for a court date for our sons first and then one for us in Ethiopia.  Please be praying for paperwork to move swiftly through the red tape of Ethiopia.  Please pray for favor with schedules and court systems.  We need a court date before court closes in August.

If you would like to partner with us to get the boys home, you can buy a "Not Forgotten" Tshirt for $20/adult sizes and $15/children sizes or you can sponsor a piece of the puzzle of our sons for different prices.  This will help us with travel expenses for our trips for court and embassy.

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