8 Colemans Becoming 10

The journey of a family of ten, loving Jesus, loving each other, loving a hurting world.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

When Momentum Runs into a Mountain

Momentum...Forward movement, the wind in our hair, seeing results, the goal just ahead. We have been in that place of momentum in several areas of our life for a short six months. Finally, it seemed things were moving, God was bringing results, and we were seeing the promised goal just ahead. Suddenly, the path reveals a unseen obstacle and with a shocking, violent slam, we hit headlong into a looming mountain. Disbelief, heartbreak, disillusionment...we didn't even see this mountain coming. For long moments, we stand on the path before this jagged, ominous barrier, the wind knocked from our lungs, tears streaming down our faces. We are left with no tools to climb it, no weapons to fight it, no map to find our way around it. For two weeks, we have stood here, looking around at the injustice of the mountain, asking God what we are to do with this blockade, trying to comfort one another and regroup. One of the areas this mountain has blocked us from is our adoption. Until we find our way around it, we are delayed. Our sons are growing and changing. Our oldest is now 15 and running short on time. We were just about to file for emergency clearance on our USCIS clearance because of his age when this mountain landed before us. My mother's heart is tempted to panic. Momentum has been disrupted. This was not supposed to happen right now. This mountain couldn't come at a worse time, in fact. Standing before these jagged cliffs, I am reminded of one of my favorite stories from Scripture. I could camp out reading the books of Joshua and Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings every day. Nestled in these books are amazing stories of victory despite horrible odds, courageous, yet simple people choosing to believe the impossible. One of those stories I love is of Johnathan and his armor bearer. They found themselves along with Saul and 600 men hiding in caves, afraid of the enemy outside. They had no weapons except for one sword. 1 Samuel 14 contains this amazing story and as Jonathan and his armor bearer decide to regain momentum, the story continues... On each side of the pass that Jonathan intended to cross to reach the Philistine outpost was a cliff; one was called Bozez and the other Seneh. One cliff stood to the north toward Mikmash, the other to the south toward Geba. Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few." “Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.” The story unfolds in an amazing picture of what Jesus, as Jonathan, does with us as wearers of armor, but for this thought, the cliffs and the enemy are what catch my attention. Jonathan had a huge obstacle in front of him, with one weapon and one other friend to help him overcome the enemy, but he confidently declares, "Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many for by few." He and his armor bearer scale the cliffs, confident of the Lord's ability to save. Scaling the mountain before Kurt and I and our family may delay our adoption for just a season, but we are confident God will act on our behalf as Jonathan declared. Our sons expect me to arrive in Ethiopia the first week of November. The mountain we came crashing into two weeks ago appears to threaten that possibility financially. We are without income in the moment. We are seeking God's plan and looking for open doors. Nevertheless, my children need their mother. They need promises to remain, hope to remain, plans to stay intact. With that before us, we again look to the Kingdom of God for those who might help. I need $2000 to get to my children in November. With the delay in the adoption, they especially need me to come in November. They have waited for two years for me to come. Currently, in our adoption PayPal account, we have $66.00. We have used what others have so generously given to get us to this place in our adoption...right at the tip of being able to apply for grants. That will have to wait now until we are employed and have housing, but we had arrived at a good place with your help so that we will be able to pick right back up when God brings us employment. The two women, also adopting from Kolfe that are going to Kolfe the first week of November are buying their tickets this week. The airline is running around $1400 and the rest I will need for the guest house and expenses. God is big. God's people are givers. I need to get to my sons, but I cannot without help. Our goal: $1934.00 There is a PayPayl button at the top of this blog. God always brings a harvest to our seed and as you sow seed to get me to my children and to the other children at Kolfe, God will return your investment 100 fold. Thank you for investing into the orphans of Kolfe. Momentum will return, for now it's a climb as we pull and hang on to this cliff before us. God will save, by many or by few....

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