8 Colemans Becoming 10

The journey of a family of ten, loving Jesus, loving each other, loving a hurting world.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Coleman Crowd Is Growing!

Go with us in your minds eye for a moment to a scenario every parent would dread. Your child is in a faraway land with no parents to protect them, not enough food for their bellies, no medical care, and a future that seems bleak. Imagine you can speak with them, email them, but cannot get them home under your care. As a parent, you would go to the ends of the earth for that child, do whatever it took to rescue them, spend your money, your resources, your time finding your way to them. We are in that very place. Our two sons that we've loved and prayed for and emailed for two years need us. Our oldest boy is 14 and very close to aging out of the government orphanage he is in and ending up on the streets of Ethiopia. Our 9 year old needs his mom and dad to come and bring him home. Both of our boys are in the Kolfe Orphanage in Ethiopia. They speak good English, study hard in school, and love God. Our oldest son is full of faith and tells us constantly, "Nothing is impossible for God." We know that God sees his faith and longs to honor it. The Bible is clear on Gods heart for the orphan. Caring for them is what God calls pure religion in the book of James. My sons need their family, they need a church family, they need the opportunity to grow and love and be loved. Today, we officially began our journey to Ethiopia...to our children... To fulfill the Kingdoms work as God has commanded. We have so many times heard it said that when you pair the willing with the able, nothing will stop God. We are willing to open our lives and home to children who need the security of family. Some of you may be able to help us do that. When we partner the willing and the able, God moves mountains. Thank you for praying for us as we walk this journey to Ethiopia, to bring our sons home. Adoption is not for the faint of heart. It takes determined parents to get through the process to their children and then to help them heal and adjust once they are home. We are so willing. Our hearts overflow with burden and love for these boys. Are you able? Are you able to pray? Are you able to give? We will not be ashamed to make the need known as we travel this road. Our needs will be on this blog as well as our progress. Thank you for partnering with us to literally impact generations for the Kingdom of God. This is it! We begin this journey today! Will you journey with us?