My husband preached a powerful message for Mother's Day. So often, Mother's Day messages are full of fluff and shallow pats on the back. The season of history we live in doesn't call for fluff or shallow, but for deep challenge, fresh words from heaven, and power. We got that on Mother's Day.
Kurt preached on one of my favorite stories from scripture. Rizpah was a mother who fought for her sons even after death. She guarded their exposed remains from the beasts and birds for months. She fought off every vulture and wild animal that would come to devour and rip at her children's bodies. She braved the elements, faced loneliness and possible criticism to keep her son's honor and remains intact. She remained there until King David came and had mercy on her sons and gave them a proper burial.
The challenge to us as mothers is a clarion call. There are unseen vultures and beasts who circle our children and their aim is to devour their spirits, their hope, and their futures. The enemy does not think our children are cute and precious. He does not care that they are young and have some innocence. He sees them as powerful threats, present and future world changers, and easy targets. His goal is to destroy and deceive them from the moment they are born.
As mothers, we have spiritual authority over our children. This is not a concept or abstract truth. This a revelation that must be experienced and explored. It requires action on our part as mothers (and fathers).
How do we battle for our children? The clear and obvious answer is to hit our knees in prayer. Beckoning heaven on behalf of our children on a regular basis is the core of the battle. We must declare the Word over our children, speaking out loud the promises and the inheritance our children possess as co-heirs with Jesus. We must walk as examples for them to follow. If we are preaching them to go one way, but we are walking in another, they will automatically follow us. I certainly don't want to participate in the devil's plan to destroy them. Our words over them, our declarations over them must be based in truth, never in anger, never in irritation. The labels we place on them will be used to the fullest by the enemy if they are negative. When we speak death over our children whether in a label, name calling, criticism, or anger, we open a gate that gives the devil permission to come in and speak all sorts of lies and deception into their minds. Use your authority to close those gates and keep the enemy out of your home and out of the spirits of your children.
Your children are called by name. They hold great value in the Kingdom of God. Regardless of their weakness or mistakes, they are to be raised up with words of life, led by mothers and fathers of integrity and holiness. The vultures are circling. They are looking for a crack in the foundation of our homes, a crack in the armor our children wear, the slightest opening of a gate to give them permission to enter. We must be diligent to fight them off, to slam those gates shut, to lead by example, to pray for them faithfully, to speak life and value and belief over their lives. This is the generation who may see the greatest revival in the history of the world. We need healthy, strong, young people of conviction to carry the Spirit of God into this world of chaos.
I've never been so aware of the battle as I have entering the world of adoption. The battle for the children of the world is fierce. The devil doesn't give up easily, but our authority is settled if we take hold of it. We battle for our children and right now we are fully engaged in battle for our sons in Ethiopia. They are vulnerable and exposed to the enemy as they are fatherless and without the covering of a family. We have fought a long battle to get them home and are coming to the end of this journey of getting them home. We need your prayers. We are raising the last bit of money for travel. God has done amazing miracles so far. We know He is not finished yet.
Prepare for battle mothers and fathers! Our calling is sure.
The wall at Kolfe Orphanage